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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: TGD view about elementary particles.cmap, TGD VIEW ABOUT ELEMENTARY PARTICLES assumes that spinor modes have well-de- fined em charge, the genus for the throat carrying fermionic quantum numbers explains family replication phenomenon for fermions if the explanation for why only 3 lowest genera are light relying on the notion of hyper-ellipticity is correct, TGD VIEW ABOUT ELEMENTARY PARTICLES predicts several devia- ions from stan- dard model, spinor modes have well-de- fined em charge requiring that all modes except right handed neutrino are localized at string world sheets and partonic 2- surfaces, partonic 2-surfaces carry Kaehler magnetic charges guaranteeing their stability implying that it corresponds to a throat of wormhole contact, TGD VIEW ABOUT ELEMENTARY PARTICLES explains known quantum numbers in terms of M^4xCP_2 geometry and topo- logy, TGD VIEW ABOUT ELEMENTARY PARTICLES predicts that partonic 2-surfaces carry Kaehler magnetic charges guaranteeing their stability, TGD VIEW ABOUT ELEMENTARY PARTICLES relies on strong form of GCI (General Coordinate Invariance), TGD VIEW ABOUT ELEMENTARY PARTICLES implies that the genus for the throat carrying fermionic quantum numbers explains family replication phenomenon for fermions, the presence of also other worm- hole contact connected to the first one by monopole flux tubes at both space-time sheets (for which "topological light rays" are natural candidates), all modes except right handed neutrino are localized at string world sheets and partonic 2- surfaces allowing to assign to elementary particle a closed string and string world sheets, to the first one by monopole flux tubes at both space-time sheets (for which "topological light rays" are natural candidates) and defining closed string like object, partonic 2-surfaces carry Kaehler magnetic charges guaranteeing their stability implying that the presence of also other worm- hole contact, the presence of also other worm- hole contact since otherwise magnetic flux lines would not be closed, it corresponds to a throat of wormhole contact through which magnetic flux flows to second space-time sheet, strong form of GCI (General Coordinate Invariance) implying identification of particle as partonic 2-surface